

  • TUAW Desktop of the Week

    David Chartier
    David Chartier

    This week's Desktop of the Week may include a little Windows paraphernalia action, but don't let that distract you from some of the mod action that Flickr user dannyuncensored has going for his brand new black MacBook. First up is the wallpaper he's using - it appeared in a February rumor we ran of a possible Black iMac. The actual image was linked by TUAW reader Smitty, and is part of a wallpaper pack at - where else - deviantART. Here are the rest of the resources dannyuncensored is using in a handy list format: ShapeShifter theme: TenFive from InterfaceLIFT Byte Controller (free) for iTunes in the menubar MacBook icon from InterfaceLIFT Windows Vista icon for the Boot Camp partition created by dannyuncensored's friend (perhaps they would be willing to share it?) Statistics in the middle of desktop are, again, provided by Panic's popular Stattoo The clear Dock is provided by Unsanity's free ClearDock Dannyuncensored also included a nice touch with changing Photoshop's icon, though I have to admit that since installing the CS3 Web Premium suite (as well as After Effects CS3 which runs like butta'), the default 'periodic table of Adobe applications' branding philosophy has grown on me. If you'd like to see your unique, functional or otherwise interesting desktop featured in our TUAW Desktops of the Week series, check out past featured desktops as well as the original post for the rules and to get an idea of what we're looking for. Then, upload your desktop screenshot to our TUAW Desktops Flickr group. We'll feature one or more desktops each weekend, giving credit to the desktop owner, wallpaper creator and any apps featured in the screenshot (if available). Keep those desktops rolling in!