

  • Civilian-ELROB, the European Land Robot Trial

    Ryan Block
    Ryan Block

    DARPA, eat your heart out. First Europe develops Galileo as an alternative to US owned and operated GPS, and now they're thumbing their nose at the Grand Challenge with the C-ELROB, or Civilian European Land-Robot Trial. The autonomous vehicle challenge will is currently being organized by the European Robotics Group, and will be hosted by the school with the longest name evar, SUPSI-iCIMSI (University for Applied Sciences of Southern Switzerland, CIM Institute for Applied Computer Science and Industrial Technology) in Monte Ceneri, Ticino, Switzerland. It looks like there will be both unmanned ground and airborne challenges in a variety of locales (including urban), and maybe, just maybe "there might be prize money" for the winner! (Well, is there or isn't there? We hear it's kind of a big deal when undertaking a freaking robot car.) The event won't take place until August of 2007, but already our money's on Scientology's supersmart droidcar, the ELROB H.U.B.B.A.R.D.[Via Gizmag]