

  • Hotline Miami isn't going to do much for Florida tourism

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Jonatan "Cactus" Söderström, rapid-fire game designer, is working with bus-driving publisher Devolver Digital to bring players to a nightmare alternate-universe retro Miami.Developed by Dennaton Games, a new collaborative label by Cactus and Dennis Wedin, Hotline Miami is a brutally violent top-down action game set in a pixelated and neon-colored version of Miami, in which the player can collect "25 game-altering masks." It's due for PC and Mac, with unspecified plans for console adaptations.In case you were wondering, yes, Devolver has set up a real hotline, and it's at 786-519-3708. You will be asked to leave a message. You will probably also be creeped out.

  • Super bio-tech "mobile phone plant strap" peeped

    Sean Cooper
    Sean Cooper

    We've all seen the standard teddy bear, Pikachu, and flashlight fobs, but they're all dead boring compared to this little life in vitro idea. Strapya-World, purveyors of all manner of straps and charms sell these small plants-in-a-jar in either pink or blue "bio-tech fertilizer" for just $9. The vial is sealed up tight so there is really nothing to do to take care of it, but hang it off your mobile and watch the natural magic happen. Of course, you know somebody will crack it open and plant something else in there, we'll be waiting to post that up in the coming weeks or months.[Via GearFuse]