call of cthulu


  • Infinity Blade 2 updated, Spider goes free for iPad, and a Super Strategy Sale

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    It's Friday, and if you're looking for something good on iOS to play this weekend, boy howdy, you are in luck. First up, Infinity Blade 2 has been updated recently, adding in a few new expansion packs to play with. And, perhaps more importantly, the game's been updated to work with the iPhone 5's wider screen, as well as to run beautifully on the iPad mini. Odds are that you already own this one, but if not, it's available for $2.99 on the App Store. Second, perhaps in celebration of the new iPad, the critically acclaimed Spider: Secret of Bryce Manor HD has gone completely free. This is a really great game that's a little older, but especially if you play it in full HD on the iPad, offers up a lot of really great exploration and casual puzzle gameplay. The non-HD, iPhone version is also free for a limited time, so grab both while you can. Finally, as if that wasn't enough already, there's also a "Super Strategy Sale" being put together for a few top turn-based strategy games. Rebuild, Call of Cthulu: The Wasted Land, Hunters: Episode One and Episode Two, and Tactical Soldier: Undead Rising are all on sale, most of them available for just 99 cents. There's no shortage of great games to play this weekend, so pick up that new iPad mini and start swiping and tapping.

  • Penny Arcade's On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness releases

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Yes, that is the title. Penny Arcade's game has been released, and is now available for sale or demo over on the Greenhouse site. What's perhaps most amazing about this game is that on Tuesday, developers Hothead Games released the thing simultaneously on as many platforms as they could, including PC, OS X, Linux, and even the Xbox Live Arcade. That in itself is almost admirable enough to pick it up on principle alone.But is it any good? Reviews have been middling, though word on the street says that if you're a fan of the webcomic, you'll probably enjoy the game. Jerry Holkins, writer of both the comic and the game, spoke with our sister site Joystiq about the grueling process of putting it together, and gameplay is basically a mix of old-school RPG, Call of Cthulu, and Sam & Max. Play, in other words, at your own risk.Or just try the demo. The game itself is only $20, but it's the first of four episodes, all priced that way, so it might be pretty costly by the end. Still, especially if you're a Penny Arcade fan, it's worth a look. And any developer that goes multi-platform including OS X on day one, complete with demos, gets a TUAW salute from us.