

  • Relic auctioning collectors items for cancer society

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    Relic is selling memorabilia on eBay – not to help its precarious parent company THQ – but for the nobler cause of the Canadian Cancer Society. The studio is gathering money for an event called Road Hockey to Conquer Cancer, where each team has to raise $10,000 to participate in a dawn 'til dusk hockey tournament. All the money goes directly to the charity. Also, we can't think of a more Canadian charity event we'd care to write about today."We're closing in on our goal, but we still need a bit more money – so we're holding an auction for some signed swag," Relic designer Ryan McGechaen told us. "We have a ton of cool stuff, including an unopened copy of Homeworld 2 signed by the dev team!"Other items up for auction, signed by their respective development teams, include a Company of Heroes 2 notebook, Space Marine: Collector's Edition for Xbox 360 and several posters. Check out the items on eBay – shouldn't it be eBeh?

  • Join the Guild Wars community for Pink Day in LA

    Rubi Bayer
    Rubi Bayer

    You've probably noticed a lot of people wearing pink lately. October is Breast Cancer Awareness month, and the Guild Wars community is getting in on the act. It's all well and good to sport a little bit of pink on your clothing, but it's even more fun to jump in and help out. The Gaming World Entertainment Network is doing just that by hosting Pink Day in LA today. The group is taking over the Lion's Arch international districts of Guild Wars in an event that will raise money for the Canadian Cancer Society and distribute a mountain of great prizes to participants. Prizes are both in-game and real-world, and several real-world prizes are non-Guild-Wars-related, so even if you're not a fan of the game, you can still participate. A donation of $10 to the Canadian Cancer Society counts as your entry in the prize drawing, so check out all of the information on the Pink Day in LA site. The front page has a donation button and simple instructions about how to make sure you are entered after you donate. The event itself is from noon until 6 p.m. MST in the international districts of Lion's Arch, so don't miss out! Finally, if you really want to get into the spirit of things, ArenaNet has a bonus for you. The developers have created a special pink dye vendor to hang out in LA during the event, so be sure to pay a visit while you're there!