

  • The Tattered Notebook: Breaking into EQII's Chains of Eternity

    Karen Bryan
    Karen Bryan

    EverQuest II's Chains of Eternity launched this past week, and while the paint is still fresh and I'm still taking it all in, there are a few things I really appreciate with this expansion so far. If you look back at all of the past expansions and adventure packs, you'll notice there always seemed to be one or two things that were trial balloons and never really fit with the spirit of EQII. In Desert of Flames, it was the arena, while more recently in Velious, the public quests got a lot of use but always seemed to have issues (and they now seem to be off the radar entirely). Chains of Eternity is just good old EverQuest II content, and it's tailor-made for longtime players. In this week's Tattered Notebook, I'll offer up some first impressions of the new expansion and a few things that I appreciate about the game.