

  • Chris Velazco/Engadget

    Data from wearables helped teach an AI to spot signs of diabetes

    Chris Velazco
    Chris Velazco

    In a new study conducted with the UCSF Department of Medicine, a neural network developed by a startup called Cardiogram was able to detect diabetes with nearly 85 percent accuracy, just by looking at people's heart beats over time. And the kicker? As always, the study didn't require any fancy medical hardware — just Apple Watches, Fitbits, Android Wear devices, and other wearables with heart rate sensors.

  • AOL

    DeepHeart AI IDs sleep apnea, hypertension via Apple Watch

    Mariella Moon
    Mariella Moon

    Your Apple Watch can tell if you have hypertension or sleep apnea -- with the help of Cardiogram's deep neural network, DeepHeart, that is. The app-maker and the UCSF Health lab have conducted a study proving that wearables can suggest the presence of hypertension and sleep apnea with 82 percent and 90 percent accuracy, so long as they come equipped with heart rate sensors and accelerometers. And, yes, they're not just talking about Apple Watch, but also Android Wear devices, Garmins and Fitbits.