

  • Breakfast Topic: What's on your Cataclysm bucket list?

    Olivia Grace
    Olivia Grace

    Cataclysm is drawing slowly to a close. We all know that it's only a matter of time before the pandas are upon us. The recent announcement of Mists-level Hallow's End gear being datamined only serves to confirm that Mists' arrival is imminent. So what's your bucket list before Cataclysm ends? If, like me, you'd never heard the term "bucket list" before, it's a list of things to do before a certain time. Lyrestra over at Musings of an Altoholic was talking about hers lately; she's got lots of things on it like reputation grinds, getting together awesome transmog sets, and maxing out professions. This inspired me to create a bucket list of my own. I want to get another character to 85, either my druid or my hunter. I want to have the professions of all my 85s maxed out, including the one that's pending. I want to gear my newer PvP characters for PvE too, at least to an acceptable Dragon Soul normal mode level. And I want to get all of the newbies PvP geared to fully epic-gemmed Cataclysmic Gladiator level! The one thing I'd love to do but probably won't achieve is getting a useable retribution set again on my pally. But hey, let's stick it on the bucket list anyway! There, I said it. It's public knowledge now, so I have to do it or face the shame of defeat. How about you? What's on your bucket list?

  • World of Warcraft: Cataclysm post-mortem reflects on success, failure, and lessons learned

    Matt Daniel
    Matt Daniel

    World of Warcraft's Cataclysm expansion is over a year old now, and Mists of Pandaria is looming just over the horizon, which means that it's time for a Cataclysm post-mortem. The infamous pony-promiser Greg "Ghostcrawler" Streets took some time out of his day to set aside the nerf bat and answer some questions regarding World of Warcraft: Cataclysm. What worked? What didn't? Where the hell is the dance studio, anyway? Just kidding, we still don't know that last one. One topic that's frequently revisited throughout the post-mortem is the talent system revamp. In a nutshell, Ghostcrawler says that the team (and the players) were largely pleased with the ability to choose a spec and gain powerful, useful skills right at level 10. What didn't work out as planned? "Everything else!" says Ghostcrawler. The team realized that "the talent tree model where you pick up tiny performance increases here and there (and where there's, mathematically, nearly always a 'right' answer and a 'wrong' answer) is not a great model." He goes on to add that Mists of Pandaria's talent system "should fix this problem once and for all." Well, third time's the charm, right guys? At any rate, there's more on the discussion table than just talents, so head over to the full article and see what lessons Cataclysm has taught the devs.

  • World of Warcraft's holiday sale includes $10 sparkleponies

    Matt Daniel
    Matt Daniel

    The holidays are here, and you know what that means: holiday sales! Blizzard is joining the fun with a number of (rather good) deals. The World of Warcraft Battle Chest, which includes vanilla WoW and The Burning Crusade, is on sale for a measly $5 US. Wrath of the Lich King is on sale for $10, and Cataclysm's price has been reduced to $20. And as if that's not enough, Blizzard is also providing discounts for two of its cash shop items. Players can get their hands on a sparklepony for $10 or a Pandaren Monk non-combat pet for $5. The sale lasts until December 19th, so act now. For the full details, check out the news on WoW's official site.