

  • Cryptozoic announces release date for WoW TCG Worldbreaker

    Mathew McCurley
    Mathew McCurley

    As Azeroth trembles under Deathwing's might, so too does Worldbreaker, the newest content pack for the World of Warcraft Trading Card Game from Cryptozoic. Featuring Cataclysm content like goblin and worgen heroes and allies as well as new common, uncommon and rare in-game loot cards, Worldbreaker hits stores on Dec. 14, 2010. Everyone loves loot cards, and this set features a marked move away from the old loot card system, with the common loot card being an in-game pet -- Landro's Lil' XT. The best part is that the common loot card will be a pet from now on, not just items with finite uses. The uncommon card in the set is a super-scary version of the Basic Campfire called the Grim Campfire, and the rare card is the flying Mottled Drake mount. In addition to the Worldbreaker date, Cryptozoic announced that the Darkmoon Faire Los Angeles show will be happening on Dec. 4-5 and will feature a first look at the Worldbreaker set. And if our BlizzCon party was any indication, Cryptozoic will have tons of stuff on hand to show you.