

  • Jawa: The Trailer and the Mysterious Battle System

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    If you're among the elite crowd who has spent precious seconds thinking about Spike's Jawa: The Mammoth and the Mysterious Stone, you've probably wondered two things: first, why the heck it's called Jawa, and second, what they're trying to push on us, here. This R2 unit has a bad motivator! how those rhythm-based battles work.From the trailer, it appears to be a call-and-response type of system: the game shows a motion or button press right before you're to attack, and then a successfully on-beat press of the correct button connects. It's somewhere between Simon and a Quick Timer Event, or something.Between the rhythm-battle system, the communication elements between players, the dinosaur-raising, and the animal-riding, there seems to be a lot going on in Jawa -- much more than the simplistic style suggests.[Via NeoGAF]

  • Jawa turns your Mii into a caveman

    Candace Savino
    Candace Savino

    Back in November, Famitsu posted a scan of Jawa: The Mammoth and the Mysterious Stone, which left detail junkies like us wanting more. Aside from the game sounding a bit like Tail of the Sun, the screens seemed unimpressive and bare.As it turns out, though, Jawa includes an attractive feature -- assuming, of course, that your Mii is attractive, since you'll be able to dress him or her in caveman gear. You can also use your Mii to explore and wander about the game's 3D world.While the complete disinterest that Sting seems to have for Jawa doesn't bode well for the game (which releases in Japan on July 3rd), it sounds like it could be a fun Harvest Moon-like title. Instead of growing crops, though, you hunt prehistoric animals, chill out with dinosaurs, build pots, and other such activities. Can such a cute idea really go so wrong? Probably, but we hope this one surprises us.[Via Siliconera]

  • Rumor: Hollywood Video computer hints at budget Bonk

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    This picture of a Hollywood Video listing teases us with the delightful possibility of a new Bonk game on the Wii, at a $14.99 price point. It's highly doubtful that it would just be a retail release of the $6 Virtual Console game, so this could potentially be something new! Or at least something new to us. Some possibilities: It's a Wii port of the Gamecube remake, which was never released in the US, and is apparently quite good. It's something that certain Wii Fanboy bloggers have been pining for over the last few years. It's a console release of the Bonk's Return cell phone game. It's an original game! For $15 somehow! It's a trick! Get an axe. We wouldn't mind any of the three possibilities that result in a game being released. We love Bonk and would be thrilled with a new Bonk release, much like a pithecanthropus computerurus would be thrilled by delicious meat popping out of a giant squashed flower.