

  • ArcheAge trailer shows off new houses and more


    ArcheAge is a little more than a week away from its fifth closed beta test, and the new features up for testing are being highlighted one by one. The newest trailer introduces the Mirage Island, a location where players will be able to window shop and preview different sorts of items. The video shows players testing out mounts, looking at fancy clothes, and inspecting houses. The island allows players to try out items and see what suits their fancy, with everything from adorable pets (which can grow up to be big, strong mounts!) to miniaturized towers lined up side-by-side for comparison. Jump below the cut to see for yourself.

  • New ArcheAge video shows new styles for next closed beta


    XLGAMES has been showing off more and more of ArcheAge's goodies in preparation for the games' upcoming fifth closed beta test. After a story teaser trailer and a video introduction to new areas last week, it's time to see some of the shiny in store for your characters! This newest video highlights some of the new armors and weapons available in CBT5. Each gorgeous armor piece and weapon is shown in fine detail, presumably to make people not in the closed beta even more jealous than they already were. Check out the video after the cut for some very snazzy outfits accompanied by a brief interlude in a room with a sleeping woman and half-naked man.

  • TERA sheds some light on open beta as test weekends draw to a close

    Matt Daniel
    Matt Daniel

    TERA's launch is now just beyond the horizon, and that means that it's almost time for the game's closed beta testing to draw to a close. Specifically, it means that this weekend will mark the fifth and final closed beta test weekend, so En Masse Entertainment has put up a new blog post discussing what was learned from CBT 4 and what players can expect from CBT 5, open beta, and launch. One thing that the team is looking at very intently for open beta and launch is the difficulty of the starting experience -- or perhaps more appropriately, the lack thereof. Players have long said that the starting experience is not challenging enough, and the team has been listening. On top of that, En Masse has been working on a number of other changes as well, including tweaks to the enchantment system, some additional equipment and skill options, and even an entirely new tutorial zone that "serves as the precursor to the current Island of Dawn experience." The full details, of course, can be found in the official post over at TERA's official site, so go on and read up and we'll see you in in Arborea again soon.