

  • MMO Art owner injured, should be back to work soon

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Some bad news from our friends over at MMO Art (makers of extremely fine custom character art). They sent a message to their mailing list this evening that owner and artist Jomaro Kindred suffered a "chemical burn to his throat and lungs last week." Not sure how that might have happened (art or drawing materials, maybe?), but we sure hope he's ok.The announcement says that emails (and, supposedly, art processing) have been slowed down a bit, but that they expect him back up and working as soon as possible. That's definitely expected. No word on whether he spent any time in the hospital, but they say they expect "a full bill of health very soon."Very sorry to hear of the injury, but our thoughts and prayers are with both Jomaro and his family and friends. Hopefully, he'll be back healthy and churning out that great WoW character art sooner rather than later.

  • WoW Insider Character Art Contest Winner!

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Big /grats go out to Richard, who won the /roll in last week's Character Art contest, and picked up a free 8x10 B&W (with a little bit of color, it turns out) sketch from artist Jay "Mig!" Mcleod. Richard sent over screenies of his character Belzivin (on Dragonblight-A), and Jay whipped up a fine, fine drawing of the little gnome (and check that Eye of Flame!). Bigger pictures of the monacled minature mage ingame and insketch can be found by clicking the link below.And if you didn't win, no worries-- Mig! does this for a living. If you want a customized sketch of the character of your choice, he's ready to get his pens and pencils moving for as low as $15. Contact him via his online gallery if you want a custom keepsake of your time in Azeroth. Thanks to Mig! for helping us out with this, and congrats again to Richard for being really, really lucky.

  • WoW Insider Contest: Win Character Art!

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    My post last week about immortalizing your character with custom character art grabbed the attention of one Jay "Mig!" Mcleod. Jay's an artist who often does custom character art on eBay-- he offered me a nice sketch, but then I figured, why keep his talent for myself-- why not give it away to one of you, loyal readers?So that's exactly what we're going to do. Thanks to my selflessness, one lucky WoW Insider reader is going to be getting hooked up with a free 8x10 pen and ink sketch (valued at $30) from Jay "Mig" Mcleod. That's his art up above, and you can check out his online gallery for more samples of his work (I've put a few more after the jump as well).Entering is as easy as we could possibly make it. Just reply to this post with a comment sometime between now and 24 hours from now (contest ends 12:01 am Eastern on Wednesday, August 23rd), and we'll randomly choose one of the commenters below to win a custom made 8x10 pen and ink Mig! sketch of the character of your choice. Make sure to enter with a real email that you can check, because that's how we'll be contacting you. And once we contact you, we'll ask you to send a few screenshots of your character to Jay so he can know what to draw. Don't bother entering more than once-- we'll be watching, and anyone who comments more than once will be automatically disqualified. Tomorrow night, we'll randomly Need roll one of the comments (with /roll, of course-- this is WoW Insider), and we'll post the winner's custom character art when Jay's finished making it.Good luck!Update: Time's up, comments closed. We'll be emailing the winner, so be sure to check your inboxes, and when we get the art done, we'll post it here for all to see. And don't worry if you didn't win-- I'm sure Mig! would be more than happy to draw your character for you-- for a small fee, of course. Thanks to everyone who entered!