

  • Chauffered Chopper heirloom mount coming in patch 6.1

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    Sure, with heirlooms you can deck your alts out in great gear and make the leveling process a lot easier. But what about getting around? Your mounts may be shared across all of your characters, but you still can't ride those mounts when you get started -- which leaves your new alt stuck running around the world. How undignified! Enter the Chauffered Chopper, which is currently on the patch 6.1 test realm. Like the name implies, this is a motorcycle-style mount with a driver (currently orc Koak Hoburn, likely a nod to Driving Miss Daisy chauffeur Hoke Colburn). Having your own chauffeur means that you can ride around in this chopper at any level, making it a must-have for alt-a-holics on the move. You can pick up your own by nabbing the Heirloom Hoarder achievement for collecting 35 heirlooms. The mount isn't currently working on the PTR, so it appears to be a work in progress. Also, it's more than a little odd to have an orc chauffeur for a distinctly alliance-styled mount, so we wonder if its look might be changing before it goes live. We'll keep an eye on the PTR for more info when it's there!