chrome 12 beta


  • Live from Google I/O 2011's day 2 keynote!

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    No, you aren't losing your mind. You're really tuned in to the second Google keynote in as many days, and if we had to guess, we'd say Chrome and / or Chrome OS will take top billing. Things haven't started just yet, but your patience (or impatience) is greatly appreciated. Have a look below to see when things get going! 06:30AM - Hawaii 09:30AM - Pacific 10:30AM - Mountain 11:30AM - Central 12:30PM - Eastern 05:30PM - London 06:30PM - Paris 08:30PM - Moscow / Dubai 12:30AM - Perth (May 12th) 12:30AM - Shenzhen (May 12th) 01:30AM - Tokyo (May 12th) 02:30AM - Sydney (May 12th)