

  • WildStar shows off the Warrior in its newest DevSpeak

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    In every game, there has to be at least one class that focuses entirely upon hitting something really hard until it stops moving, then hitting it a few more times. That's WildStar's Warrior at a glance. And no, there's really not a whole lot more to the class than that; what you see is what you get. But what you see is also a monstrously powerful technological hitting machine in heavy armor with a power sword, arm cannon, and the strength to just kick things into place when needed. No, the Warrior doesn't master magic or the like. The Warrior just has a versatile toolbox, and several tools that are very good at allowing the Warrior to survive a beating before delivering one of his own. Don't take our word for it -- check out the newest DevSpeak video past the break and watch the Warrior do his thing. It's all just smashing stuff, but it's smashing with panache. [Source: Carbine Studios press release]

  • The ups and downs of contributing to WoWWiki

    Adam Holisky
    Adam Holisky

    Besides news here at WoW Insider, one of my favorite places on the web is over at WoWWiki. The site is a virtual treasure trove of World of Warcraft lore, class information, formulas, and strategies. Back in October the site passed 45,000 articles, and today it stands around 53,000 articles. That's A LOT of content, much more then anyone could possibly hope to read.Where does all this come from?The way community wiki's work (wikis like WoWWiki and Wikipedia) is that everyone who reads them can effectively edit anything in them. If you're looking at the strategy for Zul'Jin and see something that's not right, or that needs to be added, you can do it right on the spot. Of course you have to sign up for an account and make sure what you're putting in is correct, but that takes all of five minutes. User submitted content is critical to the success of a wiki, and WoWWiki is (as I'm sure most of our readers would agree) one of the most successful game wikis out there.