

  • Command respect, conquer C&C3 achievements

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Half the fun of playing games on the Xbox 360 is unlocking achievements. Hell, just saying the word achievement feels pretty good. Try it: "achieeeeevement." Feels good, doesn't it? Because we all love achievements so much, we bring you the full achievement list for Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars, which arrives next month. The list comes to us courtesy of Achieve360Points and it's quite a list. It's refreshing to see that the bulk of the achievements are located in the single player campaign, as many games reserve the big points for multiplayer. Hopefully, this means everyone will be well versed in the game when they finally jump over to multiplayer. Of course, there are a handful of multiplayer achievements as well, including plenty of shame achievements worth 0 points. For example, lose a game to someone ranked 20 places below you and you'll net the "Losing Face" achievement. Hit the "read" link to see all 22 achievements.A demo of C&C3 should hit marketplace within the next few weeks.

  • C&C3 altered for German consumption

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    We love it when a violent game is making its way to Germany. Why? Because we inevitably get to type out the name of Germany's ratings board: Unterhaltungssoftware Selbstkontrolle (USK). Say that three times fast. According to CVG, EA will be altering Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars so that it is suitable for Germany's impressionable youth. It seems the game's suicide bombers will no longer actually commit suicide. Instead, these more risk averse almost-suicide bombers will remove their deadly explosive payload and run away. EA notes that this is only an animation change and that it will not affect the game balance in any way.This isn't the first game to fall under the USK's ratings hammer. Other 360 titles, including Dead Rising and Gears of War, have been banned from the country outright. Of course, smart gamers know that they can pick up an Austrian copy. At any rate, Command & Conquer 3 for the PC debuts this month, with the 360 version following soon after.

  • Video: C&C3 brings in the talent

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Xboxyde managed to wrangle a new trailer for Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars. The new trailer mixes gameplay footage with video cutscenes. Command & Conquer fans know that the series typically favors full motion video over CG cutscenes, and this video lives up to that tradition. The video brings in some serious talent, too. In particular we must point out the inclusion of Billy Dee "Lando Calrissian" Williams and Michael "Sam Fisher" Ironside. Hit the "read" link to check out the trailer.C&C3 releases next month. Hopefully the control scheme has been successfully tweaked since BFMEII. Anyone planning on picking this one up?

  • C&C 3: Kane Edition for PC, no 360 love?

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Gamertag Radio has the goods on a special edition of Command & Conquer 3 that's coming to PC. Entitled Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars: Kane Edition, the game will include "an enormous amount of exclusive content." At first, we wondered why EA would exclude the 360 from its special edition love fest. Then we looked at the list of included content. Let's see: strategy videos, 5 multiplayer maps, different skins for your units, exclusive wallpapers, and behind the scenes videos. Sound familiar? Our best guess would be that EA plans to make these items available through Xbox Live Marketplace. Granted, it's just speculation for now, but it seems highly plausible, especially given EA's love affair with microtransactions. Potentially, it could actually be cheaper than picking up a special edition. Pay for the stuff you want (maps) and leave the rest alone (videos, themes, etc.). (Did we just mention EA and microtransactions in a positive light? Whaa?)Do you like the idea of buying this content one piece at a time, or would you prefer to buy it all in a spiffy special edition?

  • C&C3 debut video conquers Marketplace

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    A new trailer for Command and Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars popped up on Xbox Live Marketplace today. The video features lots and lots of mass destruction, as huge contingents of soldiers and machines wage war. Unfortunately, the video is devoid of any sort of interface, so we can't tell what -- if any -- refinements have been made to the control scheme created for BFMEII. Overall, the game is looking very slick and polished. The trailer itself is well produced, too. We particularly like the tag line at the end of the video: "Coming to a home theater near you." Nice. See the trailer after the break.

  • C&C3 gameplay: GDI Vs. NOD

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    GameTrailers has posted some new footage of Command and Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars. The video showcases the game's two factions, the GDI (Global Defense Initiative, i.e. the good guys) and NOD (the Brotherhood of Nod, i.e. the bad guys). The GDI focuses on powerful, but slow moving units. The video features massive two-turreted tanks, missile launching foot soldiers, and some powerful mechs. The Brotherhood focuses on attacking and escaping quickly. The video features many vehicles capable of teleporting in and out of battle for quick strikes, including jets, jeeps, and laser/flamethrower wielding mechs. Watch the video after the break.