

  • Conquest cap hotfixed, vendors have returned

    Olivia Grace
    Olivia Grace

    WoW Insider posted a couple of days back about a bug that caused the removal of the Conquest Vendors, leaving nothing but an empty space and a hole in our hearts where Armsmaster Holinka used to be. But happy news is on the horizon, as Blizzard Community Manager Rygarius reports: Rygarius A fix was made to restore the Conquest cap back to the proper level of 2200. A very small number of players were able to purchase more gear than intended, and we will be addressing those on a case-by-case basis. We're currently working on implementing a hotfix to bring the Conquest vendors back as soon as possible. source And indeed, just an hour after Rygarius posted this, the vendors returned! Blizzard are redefining "Blizzard Soon". The issue was that, for some reason probably related to the conquest catch-up cap implemented last season, certain players had the full catch-up cap of 28,000 conquest points, instead of the correct cap of 2200. It's hard to be sure exactly what caused some players to have it while some didn't, but from the above those who abused the bug, intentionally or otherwise, are being relieved of their ill-gotten gains. A level playing field will be restored, and hopefully our conquest vendors will return to Pandaria before the reset takes place.