conrad quilty-harper


  • Britons build working replica of the Turing Bombe

    Cyrus Farivar
    Cyrus Farivar

    Just in case Al Qaeda or other "evildoers" du jour decide to start communicating in code via the WWII-era Enigma code -- we'll have the Turing Bombe on our side. This working replica of the machine used by British cryptologists at Bletchley Park, the epicenter of the counter-Enigma effort was unveiled at that site earlier this week. According to an article by The Register: "The Bombes used 108 electromagnetic spinning drums to test combinations of letters and reveal the likely keys to the Enigma code used in a particular message." The article goes on to say that Churchill ordered the 200 Bombes that had been built dismantled by the end of the war, and that it wasn't until the 1970s that the classified nature of these devices was lifted. Unlike the shrouded secrecy that its original was wrapped in, this replica will be open to the public -- from September 23-24, there will be a reunion of Bletchley Park veterans and a special demonstrations with war re-enactors in period dress. No word on who will play Alan Turing, though, but our own England bureau chief, Conrad Quilty-Harper, is a likely candidate.[Via The Register]

  • Peter Molyneux's orgasmic delight

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Conrad over at Joystiq has posted an interview with Lionhead's Peter Molyneux. There's a lot of good stuff in there and I won't attempt to recount it all. I will, however, relate this little tidbit to whet your appetite:"You know in those days that's what it was like, I smoked more cigarettes, drunk more and did disastrous things to my body. I was a total introvert, the world outside of what I did on my computer became dim, almost psychotically so. But, there was, and I apologize for using this words, there was this orgasmic delight in physically creating something."Good stuff. Conrad and Peter talk Fable, Fable 2, Pete's "secret project", and more. Head over to Joystiq and check it out.