

  • Why I love proc items

    Matthew Rossi
    Matthew Rossi

    Proc weapons, proc trinkets, these are some of my favorite items over the existence of World of Warcraft. The end of Dragon Soul weapons from Deathwing were amazing. Were they unbalanced? Yeah. Yeah, they were, let's be honest. They were even more unbalanced than the various proc trinkets from Siege of Orgrimmar, if you want to get right down to it. That's pretty unbalanced. But only a very few cared (most of them PvP players who had every reason to care) because the items were so much fun, y'all. There is literally never going to be anything as satisfying in World of Warcraft again as the sight of four Gurthalak tentacles spawning and mind flaying that rogue to death. I wasn't kidding about PvP'ers having every reason to hate the proc weapons from Dragon Soul. Taking a fury warrior with twin Gurths into PvP was basically a giant middle finger to everyone who was primarily a PvP'er and didn't raid. And I admit that I flipped that particular middle finger as hard and often as I could, because why wouldn't I? If I were a primarily PvP oriented player, I'd be mad too. Still, I love proc items. And Celestalon is talking about proc items. @withkittens1 Potentially. We try to mix it up. Some tiers we go a little more crazy with trinkets, sometimes weapons, etc. - Celestalon (@Celestalon) May 30, 2014 Why do I love proc items so much? Here are a few reasons.

  • No Comment: Cool iPhone dominoes animation

    Erica Sadun
    Erica Sadun

    We don't care that the falling phones are CG animated; we don't even care that they have a hypothetical NFC patch on the back. This is a great video that put a smile on our faces. We offer it to you as today's No Comment. It's done by the same studio that inadvertently fooled an NYC TV station with an iPhone 5 concept video last year. Hat tip: Sachin Argarwal

  • The Soapbox: No game is cooler

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    I don't think I'm ever going to understand why some people have what seems to be an outright phobia about bright colors. There are people who look down on WildStar and World of Warcraft and Free Realms because the games are colorful, stylized, and uniquely designed. I can't understand it, but I can accept it, even if I disagree with the premise. We've all got our own tastes. What I can't accept is people who try to argue that as a result, another game is somehow inherently better than these games because it's "not as cartoony." This is something that crops up time and again in MMO fandom, this sort of never-ending back-and-forth over how one game is cooler than others because of reasons. Here's the skinny, people: Your game is not cooler than anyone else's video game. Your playstyle is not cooler. Your choices in story are not cooler. And if you're trying to play games based on which game is the coolest, you are officially doing this wrong.

  • Grading the Horde mounts

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Reader Justin sent along this witty little guide he wrote rating the Horde starting mounts in the game. From skeletal horse to the Chocobo hawkstrider, he slaps a letter grade on each mount. And although he doesn't actually ever list his criteria for grading (coolness? looks? rideability?), he does come up with some interesting ratings.The winner? The skeletal horse comes out on top, with a grade of A-, while at dead last is actually my personal favorite, the hawkstrider (although I like the horse, too). He says the Chocobo is "only cool to 4-year-old girls and seriously deluded 17-year-old anime fans," but hey, I'm neither, and I rolled not one but two Blood Elves just to ride one. Then again, he also rates the raptor below the kodo and the wolf, so there's obviously no accounting for taste.What do you all think? I know from experience that most of you don't like the hawkstrider (that just means my tastes are exclusive), but does the kodo deserve such a high spot on the list? And if we made an Alliance list of mounts like this (and graded them on the three criteria I listed above), what would come out on top? I'm guessing you lot would like Night Elf cats a lot more than my personal favorite, the mechanostrider. But beauty, as they say, is in the eye of the Broggok.Update: I made a mistake-- I thought these were listed in order of rating. As our wonderful commenters point out (thanks for catching this, guys, you're the best), the ratings are as follows:Undead Horse: A-Troll Raptor: B+Orc Wolf: BTauren Kodo: C-Blood Elf Hawkstrider: FSo the raptor does beat the wolf and the kodo on this list. My fault completely.