

  • EverQuest gets a cosmetic system

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    It may be late to the costume party, but EverQuest is finally dressing up in its finest duds. SOE announced that the title will be getting its very own cosmetic outfit system come August. Called Hero's Forge, this system allows players to change the appearance of their character's armor without altering the stats. Fashion comes with a price, however: SOE will be charging per character to access this system. Once purchased, players will receive their first set of armor for free. Additional pieces of cosmetic armor will become available as both loot drops and Marketplace goods.

  • LotRO struts the runway for Fashion Week

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    Are you more into looking good in Lord of the Rings Online than defeating the very heart of evil? Then Turbine's got a special week planned just for you. Starting today and going through the 16th, Fashion Week will be blazing through LotRO. LotRO's cosmetic system allows players to assemble their own outfit looks independent of slotted gear and has become a popular feature in the game ever since its inception. Through Fashion Week, Turbine will call on the best-dressed to strut their stuff in the hopes that in-game CMs will see them and award special titles. Also included in the week will be fashion-themed lotteries and a screenshot contest in which the best entries will be voted upon by the community. To give players inspiration, Turbine links to three game outfit blogs -- Lotro Fashion, Lotro Stylist, and Cosmetic Lotro -- and has given each of the blogs special codes to hand out for free in-game dyes.

  • An exclusive look at RIFT's Update 1.2 and beyond with Scott Hartsman [Updated]

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    With almost two months on the post-launch clock at Trion Worlds, RIFT appears to be holding its own in the wild and woolly field of MMORPGs. With a major update and the first world event under its belt, RIFT is sailing into the future with the wind at its back and a hull full of subscribers below. We got Trion's Scott Hartsman on the phone to discuss RIFT's second big patch, Update 1.2, as well as to see how the game's progressed thus far and where the team is trying to take it into the future. And of course we couldn't let this opportunity pass by without a candid dissection of the uneven world event and how Trion plans to learn from its mistakes. So hit the jump and witness Scott Hartsman giving us a Care Bear Stare full of info and exclusive tidbits about the inner workings of RIFT!

  • Famitsu previews upcoming additions to Final Fantasy XIV

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Discussion about Final Fantasy XIV of late has centered around the coming November version update, currently slated for today. But there's more coming beyond simply a host of UI fixes and system improvements, some of which have been previewed by Famitsu recently. The translation crew at FFXIVCore has put together a gallery of images as well as small descriptions of what's coming for the game, albeit without much contextual information about when these additions can be expected. The new retainer outfits are a cosmetic addition that's welcome without being overwhelming, but the previews of monsters show off familiar foes from the series as a whole, familiar faces from Final Fantasy XI, and new enemies to fight. And the weapon preview seems to hint at some of the equipment players can look forward to from the notorious monsters slated for implementation before the end of the year. Final Fantasy XIV players are encouraged to take a look at the preview -- and possibly put some time aside for play today.