crackdown 3


  • Sumo Digital/Microsoft Studios

    'Crackdown 3' lets you team up with friends in Wrecking Zone

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    Crackdown 3's signature Wrecking Zone mode should now be decidedly livelier. After a brief round of testing, Sumo and Microsoft have released an update that adds Squad support to the destroy-everything multiplayer feature. If you have Crackdown-loving friends, you can partner up with them instead of having to fly solo.

  • Ruffian Games/Microsoft Studios

    'Crackdown 2' is free on Xbox One ahead of updates to its sequel

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    Just because you're playing Crackdown 3 doesn't mean you've played its predecessor -- in fact, that's not too likely when the second game launched nearly nine years ago. The developers want to plug that hole in your gaming history. In addition to teasing some updates to the current game (more on those in a moment), they've revealed that Crackdown 2 is now free as an Xbox One backwards compatibility title. It's not the revelation that the first game was, but it will show you how the series evolved before its big hiatus.