

  • Insider Trader: Most popular crafter gear on the Armory

    Michael Gray
    Michael Gray

    Deciding what crafted gear to sell on the Auction House can be tricky business, even with the Ashen Verdict recipes now available. Items like Titansteel are limited resources, and you need to get the most bang out of your bar. If you have a limited number of crafting reagents, you want to make product that will get you the best return per reagent. At the same time, you need to make sure they actually sell. Like the Big Deal said in the Priceline commercial, "Is it wise to allow a perishable item to spoil?" Titansteel and most other reagents aren't perishable, of course, but they sure as heck don't make you money chilling out in your bank. You want those puppies to move. WoWPopular is a neat site that scans the Armory and pulls down data about the most popular gear, specs, and enchants sitting on extant characters. The Crafter's Tome got together with WoWPopular to put together a list of the popular crafted gear items on the Armory. We can use this information to guess how you should use your reagents to stock the Auction House, minimizing the number of reagents that go to waste by collecting dust. As you would probably expect, a lot of our best guesses about the most popular classes goes a long way towards showing us what the best selling items probably are. Since everyone and their 5-year-old sister has a death knight, there's a lot of plate items on the most popular crafted gear list. When we're collecting money on the Auction House, an alt who's dressed in all crafting items spends money that's just as valid as any main's cash. So, let's take a look behind the jump and talk about what the most popular crafter gear is for each profession.