

  • VC Friday: Digging holes and checking out ads

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    Looks like European gamers can take some time to check out updated ads while slicing through the waves on their jet skis this weekend if they are so inclined. Alas, only two games this week, but the streak couldn't keep going forever. Hey, at least it's not something like Revolution X or Captain Novolin. Instead, you've got: Cratermaze -- Turbografx -- 600 Wii points Wave Race 64 -- N64 -- 1000 Wii points

  • Mushroom Singdom adds a soundtrack to VC reviews

    Eric Caoili
    Eric Caoili

    Though we host our own video reviews of Virtual Console releases every Monday, it doesn't hurt to have a second opinion on these matters, or in this case, a singing opinion. The affable Jonathan Mann, or GameJew as some of you might know him, has been picked up by GameVideos to produce original ditties summarizing his experiences with the Virtual Console's offerings. Even when describing how bored he was with a particular title, his songs still manage to be entertaining and catchy!Maybe we should jump on this bandwagon with a few video-game-themed rap remixes of our own? How about "C.R.E.A.M. (Cratermaze Rules Everything Around Me"? Or "Dear Metroid?" No? Well, if you'd rather stick with something more traditional, you can check out GameJew's Mushroom Singdom reviews past the post break.

  • Galactic dancing on the VC next month

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Hudson keeps delivering excellent games to the VC, to the delight of people who enjoy spending $6 on something awesome. In the final Virtual Console Monday of July, Data East's Drop Off will be featured. August brings us Cratermaze, which is a maze game that's part Pac-Man and part Lode Runner: you can dig holes to trap the monsters chasing you as you grab treasure from around the maze. Neutopia is a competent, nice-looking Zelda clone, and we mean that as praise. Galaga '90 is a brilliant Galaga sequel that features the same kind of shooting action, but in a very pretty cartoony style and with weird new enemies.

  • OFLC reveals more TG16 games for Australia

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Australia's Office of Film and Literature Classification has looked into the company crystal ball and delivered a prophecy of new Virtual Console games. Bonk 3: Bonk's Big Adventure, Cratermaze, Dead Moon, J.J. and Jeff, and World Sports Competition are destined for the Australian Virtual Console. Do things download We don't have Bonk 3 or Cratermaze yet in the US, and it looks like Australia's going to get the VC versions first. It's only fair, we suppose, since the real HuCards were actually sold here at one point.[Via GoNintendo]