

  • NintendoWare Weekly: Picdun, Ubongo

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Okay, so today's not the most exciting Wii and DSi Shop update ever. But it will be the most exciting 3DS eShop update ever! Or, at least, the first. That's expected late this evening. Now, as for those WiiWare and DSiWare games. Picdun for DSiWare actually looks pretty cute: it's a first-person dungeon game whose maps are revealed as pixel images as you explore. DSiWare is also host to Dreamwalker, a maze game about tilting a maze to guide a sleeping character through dreams. Also, there's something called "Crazy Cheebo: Puzzle Party." Ubongo, a board game seen on DSiWare a couple months back, returns this week for a WiiWare engagement.%Gallery-125395%