

  • PSN Store Update: El Diablo

    Sinan Kubba
    Sinan Kubba

    Video games! They've been hibernating through the summer, but this week's PlayStation Store update brings plenty of the blighters onto PS4, PS3 and Vita. Let's start with the biggie, Diablo 3: Ultimate Evil Edition, which brings Reaper of Souls to the action-RPG on PS3 ($40) and debuts the game itself on PS4 ($60). It's also out on Xbox 360 and Xbox One. The two other cross-platform releases are Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare, which'll eat up 40 of your greenbacks on PS4 and 30 on PS3, and the stealthy CounterSpy, a $15 cross-buy purchase that unlocks the game ons PS4, PS3 and Vita. PS4 players also have a choice between the hyperviolent $10 Hotline Miami - also cross-buy - the somewhat less violent The Last Tinker: City of Colors ($20) and the retro Arcade Archives Rygar ($8).

  • PSN Tuesday: Fight the weird in Abyss Odyssey and Crimsonland

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    Today's PlayStation Store update promises to cover our screens with "literally hundreds of aliens, giants spiders, mutant lizards and more." That sort of thing hasn't happened since we installed demonic beta firmware, so it should feel just like old times if we download Crimsonland, an omni-directional beast-blasting shooter for PlayStation 4. Meanwhile, the developers of Zeno Clash and Rock of Ages bring a new side-scrolling fighting game to the PS3. Abyss Odyssey is a curiously drawn adventure through procedurally generated levels, in which players can not only punch and kick their enemies, but possess them like puppets. The PlayStation Vita gets One Piece Unlimited World Red, another game based of the energetic anime series, while the store as a whole gets several new discounts and pre-order opportunities. You can now call dibs on Far Cry 4's "Gold Edition," for instance, which grants the season pass and other goodies in addition to the PS3 and PS4 game. Far Cry 4 is one of many prominent pre-orders coming to the PlayStation Store over the coming months.

  • Paint the PS4 red when Crimsonland hits on July 15

    Sinan Kubba
    Sinan Kubba

    Crimsonland is "not a complicated game," admits 10tons PR co-ordinator Jaakko Maanemi. The top-down shooter, hitting PS4s in North America on July 15 and Europe on July 16, is certainly aptly named. In Crimsonland your task is to gun down aliens using 30 ridiculous weapons, splatter blood everywhere, try to survive, and then shoot some more aliens and splatter more blood everywhere. Truly an avant-garde concept for gaming. Not that we're being snobby, it's just refreshing to see a studio put forward a game as it is. So, the lowdown on 10tons' remake of its 2003 affair: The new version adds HD visuals and a few fresh modes, with four-player local co-op supported across the whole game. A total of 60 campaign missions and full leaderboard support should keep PS4 and Windows PC players busy - the game's out now on Steam - while Mac, Linux and Vita versions are also on the way. The game is $14/£10.59 on Steam so expect that price on PSN, too. [Image: Sony Computer Entertainment]

  • Crimsonland remake sprays hot lead on Steam, PS4 this summer

    Earnest Cavalli
    Earnest Cavalli

    Developer 10tons Ltd. has revealed plans to bring its Crimsonland remake to the PlayStation 4 and PC at an as yet undetermined date this Summer. Originally released in 2003, Crimsonland is a simple yet chaotic top-down shooter. The player is dropped in the middle of the screen, while enemies swarm in from the sides. The goal here is obviously survival, but to accomplish that feat, the player will need to gun down hordes of encroaching ne'erdowells with weaponry that makes no logical sense, but fits perfectly in the arcade-inspired world of Crimsonland. As you can see in the above trailer, the game's title is a reference to the deluge of blood that blankets the ground only moments after the player starts firing. 10tons claims to have both PS4 and PC versions of Crimsonland up and running, but says that much work still remains. For current status and word on when Crimsonland might be available for pre-order, 10tons asks fans to follow its Twitter account or check the game's website for weekly updates. [Image: 10tons Ltd.]