

  • New MMO Forged by Chaos to use CryEngine 2

    Panzar Studio has announced its development of Forged by Chaos, which will use the popular CryEngine 2 engine, which powered the PC game Crysis. From the looks of the character concept art, it needs all that power. CEO Vladimir Valkov says "For such a game as this we were searching for a modern graphics engine that was capable of utilizing DirectX 10 technology ... We were also impressed by their handy Sandbox 2 editor, which was designed to work with very expansive and highly detailed locations, their modern dynamic lighting model, and their character animation systems, including inverse kinematics and dynamics."There is currently no information on actual game mechanics or release date, but there is some lore on the site, as well as some concept art. We'll keep an eye on this title and provide more news as it develops. Doesn't some of this look like the Warhammer aesthetic? Tons of doodads and gewgaws dangling from every available surface? This is the true definition of fantasy warfare.

    Akela Talamasca
  • Crysis Warhead won't make your PC cry

    It's always a little ... awkward explaining to guests that the "modern art" in our living rooms are actually PCs melted by playing Crysis on its highest settings. Thankfully, Crytek has heard our whimpering and is working to make Cysis: Warhead play more nicely with mid-range gaming rigs.Voodoo Extreme was kind enough to translate an article on German gaming site which states that the PC-exclusive Crysis folllow-up is being designed to run at a locked 30fps on a roughly $600 system. Now, compare that to the original game, which was sluggish even on a PC costing three times that much and ... you have happier PC gamers. If Crytek's programmers can actually pull off such a formidable feat, we sense a stalling in the PC upgrade market come the game's release.

    Randy Nelson
  • Crytek shows interest in PSP development

    Crytek is known for cramming high-end graphics into titles that are just as capable to give your PC a hernia as they are to entertain. However, with the Crysis developer now done with PC exclusives, the company has adopted a new strategy, one that apparently includes the PSP. A new job posting on the developer's official website notes that the company is currently seeking a PSP programmer with multiplatform experience to work out of its Budapest office, suggesting that Crytek's next project following the recently announced Crysis Warhead will target Sony's handheld. Of course, nothing is known about the developer's PSP agenda or whether that includes plans to somehow squeeze its CryEngine technology into a more bite-sized format. That leaves us wondering if we'll someday be playing Crysis on the go, or if Crytek has something entirely different up its high-def sleeves.

    Jason Dobson
  • Crysis Warhead dropping exclusively on PC this Fall

    var digg_url = ''; EA and Crytek have officially announced the development of Crysis Warhead, "a parallel story" to hardware-taxing tropical shooter, Crysis. Built by Crytek's Budapest studio atop an optimized version of the CryEngine 2 technology, Crysis Warhead sees players squeezing into the nanosuit of Sergeant Sykes, affectionately dubbed "Psycho," and learning that "life on the other side of the island is even more intense and explosive than they ever could have imagined." Given all the eyeball-melting events in Crysis, we reckon they're capable of imagining quite a bit.Crytek president and CEO, Cevat Yerli, found the original game's reception by gamers and the media to be quite pleasing, but noted to the studio's intention to raise the ol' bar. "With Warhead, we are focusing on refining our storytelling and game performance, while also delivering more of the visually stunning graphics and immersive, free-roaming gameplay everyone loved in Crysis," he said. Expect more weapons, more vehicles and more multiplayer content when Crysis Warhead nukes lesser computers this Fall.

  • Video: Mini-ITX 2.0 with VIA Nano really does play Crysis

    Today VIA announced their Mini-ITX 2.0 platform for mini PCs. The standard calls for a high-performance, power efficient x86 processor like the VIA Nano, DirectX 10 graphics for Blu-ray Disc playback, 6-channel surround support, and a PCI Express x16 slot for video expansion. An optimized 2.0 system combined with a 1.8GHz Nano processor, CN896 chipset, nVidia GeForce 8600 card and 64-bit Windows will even kick its way through Crysis just as VIA has been saying all along. Don't believe us? Check the video after the break.Read -- Mini-ITX 2.0 announcementRead -- Crysis

    Thomas Ricker
  • Crytek teases 'Crysis Warhead'

    Crysis developer Crytek just placed the mysterious image you see above on the splash page for its site. Could "Crysis Warhead" be the "good reason" for not continuing work on the original Crysis the developer recently hinted at? They did say we'd know more "very, very soon." Sequel? Title of the console port? Actual military weapon utilizing a PC powerful enough to run Crysis at max settings? We just love mysteries.[Thanks, Matt]

    Randy Nelson
  • Crytek turns back on Crysis updates

    Developer Crytek recently gave fans of its FPS Crysis some bad news, confirming that it had not only abandoned work on a dedicated Linux server for the game, but that the shooter's forthcoming 1.3 update "almost certainly" won't be released. Beyond stating that "there is a good reason," Crytek has offered little in the way of an explanation for its decision to abandon the expected updates, adding only that "...we hope you understand when you hear more about the reasons why in the very, very near future." The developer broke the news as part of a series of updates concerning its plans for Crysis, though considering the mood left in the wake of this latest offering, we're left wondering what exactly Crytek has planned for an encore ... killing kittens perhaps?[Via Big Download]

    Jason Dobson
  • Crytek turns back on PC exclusivity, cites piracy

    Crysis developer and PC gaming evangelist Crytek may soon fly the flag of multiplatform solidarity, as company president Cevat Yerli revealed in a recent interview that the studio will no longer create games exclusively for the PC due to poor sales and game piracy that he says is "encompassing Crysis." The comments were made as part of an interview with Croatian magazine PC Play, during which Yerli stated that "I believe that's the core problem of PC gaming, piracy ... It was a big lesson for us and I believe we won't have PC exclusives as we did with Crysis in future." He added that while the company will continue to create games for the PC, these titles will not be released solely for that platform.Of course, this brings into question not only the oft-rumored PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 ports of Crysis, but also the game's planned trilogy of sequels. While Yerli wasn't asked as to the fate of subsequent games in the Crysis canon, he did comment that bringing Crysis "as we have seen" to consoles would be "impossible," and that the game would have to be "largely changed" to be brought to either the PlayStation 3 of Xbox 360. We continue to dream of playing the game from the comfort of our couch, though Yerli's remarks that the company's focus "is not linked to bring Crysis to consoles" has a single high-def tear running down our cheek.[Via Team Xbox]

    Jason Dobson
  • Crytek abandons idea of PC exclusive games

    Adding a pinch more credibility to the rumor that Crysis is headed to the Xbox 360, Crytek just revealed that they don't plan on developing anymore PC exclusive titles going forward.Chatting with PC Play, president of Crytek Cevat Yerli talked about their non-PC exclusive plans going forward saying that currently they're dealing with "huge piracy that is encompassing Crysis". This PC piracy problem is the biggest reason for their change of heart as Yerli admits that "it [piracy] was a big lesson for us and I believe we won't have PC exclusives as we did with Crysis in future."Future non-PC exclusive games from Crytek is nothing but great news for 360 owners. But does that confirm Crysis on the 360? No sir. Though, it does open the window of possibility a little further allowing a draft of hope to waft in.[Via]

    Dustin Burg
  • CryENGINE 2 on the 360 nearly equal to PC version

    Team Crytek' gorgeous and uber resource intensive CryENGINE 2 (which is the engine that powers the visually stunning Crysis on the PC) is slowly making its way to consoles. But how well will the engine run on console hardware that equates to half of what Crysis demands? According to Crytek, surprisingly well.In an interview with IGN about CryENGINE 2 and its performance on next-gen consoles, Crytek business manager Harald Seeley says that they "tailor the engine specifically to each platform" and that they "expect the final outcome will result in games that look like they're running at high settings, or nearly high settings, on a PC." An amazing engineering feat if they can pull it off. So far, Crytek has yet to make their engine available to console developers as it's still under development, but if the console tech demo video (embedded above) tells us anything, it's that CryENGINE 2 reeks of promise. Just look at those colorful teapots roll![Via Ripten]

    Dustin Burg
  • Crytek trademarks 'Crysis Warhead'

    The good folks over at Trademork have noticed a March 3 USPTO posting by Crytek for "Crysis Warhead," which could either refer to a sequel to the best-selling PC game, one of those rumored console ports or a scary new experimental explosive (or possibly a long-overdue remake of an Amiga classic. Or a strange new candy. Or ...)The recent filing isn't Crytek's first hint at extension of the brand -- the company has also filed for trademark protection of "Crysis Wars" and "World in Crysis." Whatever the inevitable sequel/spin-off/port/expansion ends up being called, we just hope they cap the system requirements now. That way, we may actually have a computer that can actually run the game in its most beautiful detail when it eventually comes out.

    Kyle Orland
  • Rumor: Crysis shown on Xbox 360 to 'prospective publishers' at GDC

    A glib response from a Crytek representative may have revealed that Crysis is coming to the Xbox 360. The rep reportedly told Primotech that the Xbox 360 version was being shown behind close doors to "prospective publishers" at last month's Game Developers Conference.This is far from a confirmation; the Crytek rep may have misspoken. Furthermore, we'd be surprised if Crysis PC publisher Electronic Arts didn't have the foresight to secure rights to the console game as well. We do know that Crytek planned on showing off a console version of CryEngine 2 (which runs Crysis), and although the assets were likely Crysis, perhaps the prospective publishers were just looking for a game engine.

    Ross Miller
  • Rumorang: PS3 Crysis will be '50% new game'

    PSW got one thing right, and that's our collective: Huh? The UK magazine would have us believe that Crytek's "hard-worked" code monkeys have confirmed -- "in many interviews" -- that Crysis is coming to PS3 later this year. Not true. But we can count this latest report as another adherent of the 'Crysis 1.5' theory, which here evolves into rumor of a hybrid-port that combines aspects of the original PC Crysis and its sequel into "almost 50% new game." Assuming that a Crysis-brand product will eventually land on PS3 (what else is the console version of CryEngine 2 good for?), we'd be curious to know how much of the alleged 'newness' would translate into better gameplay. Are we really talking Crysis 1.5 -- or just Crysis Lite? (Remember, Far Cry's leap to console had plenty of 'new,' just not any better.) [Via PS3 Fanboy]

  • Rumor: Crysis for PS3 looking probable; 'will be an almost 50% new game'

    An interesting little news piece in the latest issue of UK magazine PSW gives the indication that, not only is Crysis definitely heading to the PS3, but the extra content will make the PC version look like a demo. The magazine states that "it's no secret that Crysis is coming to PS3 this year. The excitable, hard-worked coders over at Crytek have said as much in many interviews - they've even produced a new, multi-platform engine in readiness - but the real juice here is that it won't be a straight conversion of the PC game. We understand PS3 Crysis will be an almost 50% new game, with many of the original games staff taken off PC Crysis months before release to begin to work on Crysis 2 and a port to PS3 that will include aspects of the sequel - but a new structure, environments, weapons and enemies will feature on PS3. This should be one of the year's biggest console shooters."Sounds good to us! We'd love to see an expanded version of the game heading to PS3. With such high system requirements, it's the only way we'll be able to play the game with its intended graphics. "Almost a 50% new game," though? That sounds a little fishy. We're firmly labeling this one as the rumor it is. Fingers crossed, though!

    Jem Alexander
  • The Ultimate Showdown: CryENGINE2 vs. Reality

    Crytek recently whipped up a tech demonstration for their haughty, hardware punishing software, CryENGINE2, to show off at GDC. Mimicking an unforgettable ad for the Sony Bravia, the demo turned quite a few heads -- but how did the visuals of the ball-droppin' doppelganger compare to the original advertisement? Never one to miss an opportunity for a video comparison, Gametrailers whipped up the above video. What do you think -- are video games nearing photorealism? Or were your discerning, pixel-counting eyes not fooled?

    Griffin McElroy
  • Crysis goes platinum

    In yesterday's investor call, Electronic Arts confirmed that sales of Crysis have gone platinum, meaning that over 1 million units had been sold since its launch. That figure marks a drastic improvement over earlier indications that consumer interest in the game was, well, in crisis. At this month's GDC, developer CryTek will be showing off a console version of CryEngine 2, although a console version of Crysis itself has not been announced. Of course, EA could pull a "surprise" announcement -- dun dun dun! [Via inCrysis; thanks to everyone who sent this in!]

    Ross Miller
  • Crysis engine will be shown on 360 at GDC

    The Crysis 360 saga continues today with the announcement that Crytek will be showcasing its CryENGINE 2 running on multiple platforms including the Xbox 360 and PS3 at GDC next month. Given the tug-of-war that has taken place regarding the often rumored Crysis port for consoles, this is particularly juicy information. The latest rumor, for those that don't remember, was that a port of Crysis was headed to the 360 this November. Said rumor was denied by EA the following day. Considering Crysis is currently the only game that actually runs on CryENGINE 2, and that CryENGINE 2 is now running on 360s, we're going to reassert our theory that someone is porting it to 360. Call us crazy.[Thanks, WTangoFoxtrot]

  • Console CryEngine 2 will be shown at GDC; console Crysis still not confirmed

    According to CVG, Crytek will unveil a cross-platform version of its CryEngine 2 at next month's Game Developers Conference. The CryEngine 2 is best known for making PCs across the planet chug in pain attempting to run Crysis at high settings; this new cross-platform engine will be unveiled running on the Xbox 360 and PS3, but no word on what game will be shown. Crytek will also show off "how well the fully optimized" engine runs on a PC costing around $600.Although the implication of this news is that Crysis is making its way to consoles after a less-than-stellar PC performance, the latest rumors talk about a Crysis 1.5 for PS3. This would be very similar to what Crytek already did when its first game Far Cry was altered for consoles.

  • CryENGINE 2 to be shown on PS3 at GDC

    Crytek's amazing engine behind Crysis is finally coming to PS3. (Does this mean we'll be able to play the wonderful FPS on our console as well?) "This year's engine will be shown for the first time running on multiple hardware platforms such as the PS3 and Xbox 360, to a select audience" during GDC. Are we allowed to be part of that audience, Crytek? Cevat Yerli, Sten Hübler and Bernd Diemer will host a GDC session entitled "Crysis in the Making", providing a behind the scenes look at the challenges of developing Crysis and the CryENGINE 2. Other Crytek staff will also be in attendance at various programs during the show: Chris Evans, Technical Art Lead, Tomas Neumann, Crytek's Audio Programmer, and Tiago Sousa, R&D Graphics Programmer. Crytek will also host a series of public presentations at their booth #6611 in the North Hall. Game Developer's Conference begins on February 18th in San Francisco. PS3 Fanboy will be updating live from the scene. Stay tuned.[Via NeoGAF]

    Andrew Yoon
  • Via's upcoming Isaiah chip can run Crysis

    Sure, you might've napped through the marketing speak and blearily paged through the tech documentation, but apparently you haven't heard all there is to know about the new Isaiah architecture from Via. The folks at [H] Enthusiast got to see the chip in action, and were most impressed by the 1.8GHz bugger's ability to run Crysis. Apparently the folks at Via are fairly certain their chip can best the upcoming UMPC-friendly Silverthorn chips from Intel, and it seems like Crysis is about as good a benchmark as any. We're sure to hear more about this little rivalry in the coming months, but we like the way things are headed. [Via Wired]

    Paul Miller