

  • VC Tuesday: Super Pole 'n Ghosts

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Though we aren't monitoring an actual Japanese Wii to be sure, we're quite confident that the SuperGrafx version of Ghouls 'n Ghosts, originally slated for October, will actually be available today on the Virtual Console in Japan. Hudson is totally not making much of a big deal about it, labeling it as a plain PC Engine game and selling it for 600 Points -- not the 800 that CD-ROM titles command! But we think it's really cool to see a representative from such a rare and obscure system on the Virtual Console.It's joined by some shmups: L-Dis, a cute-em-up from Cho Aniki developer NCS, Formation Z, a Famicom shooter from the late Jaleco, and Galaxy Force II, which might as well not exist without the super-fun arcade machine. Formation Z (Famicom, , 500 Wii Points) Galaxy Force II (Mega Drive, 1 player , 600 Wii Points) L-Dis (PC Engine, 1 player, 800 Wii Points) Dai Makaimura (SuperGrafx, 1 player, 600 Wii Points) The one WiiWare game this week is the fantastic-looking retro-parody game from Sega, Pole's Big Adventure. Pole's Big Adventure (1 player, 500 Wii Points)

  • VC Tuesday: READY GO

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Action gamers and masochists (two sets whose Venn diagram, we imagine, contains a fairly large intersect) will be very happy with today's Japanese Virtual Console update, which provides one of the most painfully, awesomely difficult action games we can think of. Seriously, good luck holding on to that golden armor long enough to actually use some magic. Oh, also there's another N64 game, which is something of a rare event! This week's Virtual Console releases are: Dai Makaimura (Ghouls & Ghosts) (Mega Drive, 1 player, 600 Wii Points) Wave Race 64 (Nintendo 64, 1-2 players, 1000 Wii Points) Power League 4 (PC Engine, 1-4 players, 600 Wii Points)