

  • Daisy Fuentes Pilates stretches onto Wii August 4

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    Health and fitness is the fastest growing segment of the games market and Daisy Fuentes is the fastest growing segment of "Former America's Funniest Home Videos Hosts We Don't Care About," if you don't count John Fugelsang. So it's great to see that these two powerhouses are working together, teaming for Daisy Fuentes Pilates, which Sega announced will arrive on August 4.We can't wait to see if Daisy can dethrone EA Sports Active the same way she dethroned Saget.

  • Seen@E3: Daisy Fuentes supports the masses who won't play her game

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    Daisy Fuentes stopped by the Sega booth at E3 to promote Daisy Fuentes Pilates, her upcoming exergaming program releasing in late summer. The 42-year-old walked in with her entourage and, like a strikingly beautiful Moses, parted the geek seas. She signed autographs and was generally polite to the long line of gentlemen who quite possibly have never done a day of pilates in their lives ... then again, to be fair, we can't confirm if Fuentes has played a game in her life. It's like a "first contact" situation. Maybe the jealous rage the men's spousal units will experience from seeing the signed Fuentes photo will spark a viral marketing conversation about her game coming out?

  • Stretch it out with Daisy Fuentes Pilates for Wii

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    Sega recently announced Daisy Fuentes Pilates, the first Pilates program for the Wii, hosted by the former MTV personality (who has aged like a fine wine). At the age of 42, she's ready to get you house-spouses in shape with "customizable workouts, fitness tracking, real-time coaching and interactive feedback." Is Fuentes ready to become the Jane Fonda of the interactive age?The exer-gaming title will release in late summer. If the game does well, Fuentes' developers might be able to afford some graphics for the next game. Seriously, the images and character models look like leftovers from some porn games we've seen heard about.