dead giveaway


  • Dead Giveaway finishes dead last

    David Alves
    David Alves

    With the Halloween season rapidly approaching, a game featuring zombies just might be seasonally apropos. Dead Giveaway is a free game (with in-app purchases) for iOS 6 or later, universally available but optimized for iPhone 5. Initially, I didn't think the game would be something I'd like, mostly because I thought it was a cheap shot. A game where I have to beat zombies by answering questions? It didn't feel exciting or like a pastime, both of which I think are key for a quality game. As it turned out, I ended up not liking the game, but for very different reasons. Dead Giveaway has a lot of potential, but in my option it needs some heavy tweaking. The format of the game is relatively simple. You are supposedly captured by a group of zombies, who have decided to show mercy (and because they aren't yet hungry for human flesh) by having type an answer after being shown three clues. The idea is if you win, you don't get eaten. For every correct answer, you win coins, which can purchase hints or extra clues. The graphics are clever - the clues appear on little TV screens, connected by rotted wooden boards. Your zombie host even has a suit and tie, in keeping with the game show feel. When you get an answer right, you get another little tidbit about the answer, almost as if the host is making small talk with you, and occasionally he will interject corny comments via little pop-up windows. These things were fun and lighthearted, and I appreciated them. However, the main structure of the game was a problem. First off, as mentioned I believe the point of the game was to avoid being "eaten" by the zombies, if you win. That is just the point: I am still not at all certain how one "wins" this game, or if the game even has a point at all. I got to level 47 and still had no idea what exactly I was doing. As I got correct answers, the coin bank would increase, but this would have made more sense if, for example, I had to win a certain level of coins to have something happen. The game felt a little pointless in this regard, as though I would just be guessing answers indefinitely for no apparent purpose. Besides, I think after nearly fifty levels something ought to happen. Where are all the zombies threatening to eat me, for example? Second, the clues vary in their clarity and thoughtfulness. As an example, my clues on the very first level, were "Is a millionaire," "Pow," and "Wears a cape." The fourth clue was unavailable until I spent ten coins to "buy" it (more on this later). I ended up having to both Google the clues as well as buy the clue to get the right answer, which was Batman. Now, I am not the most pop-culture savvy. I freely admit that. I do wonder how clearly these clues say "Batman." All I knew was that it could be a superhero, which is why I initially picked Superman. For that, I was rewarded by losing a coin in what I would be paid for my right answer. In fact, I ended up having to Google on almost every level because the clues just were not ringing any bells. This is the hardest part of this review, because I admit I am largely unfamiliar with certain contemporary music stars, movies, and other cultural paraphernalia. My ignorance of these things certainly made the clues more difficult for me. Yet, to have to Google nearly every level because the clues are either very vague or unreasonably obscure ends up making the game a lot less fun. Something else should be said about using the coins. I have no problem with features like this in themselves. I do have a huge problem when playing a supposedly free app essentially hinges on purchasing fake money to use in-game. This is precisely what happened with me on my very first level. Because I could not figure out the right answer, I ended up having to buy the fourth clue – but the player is not given any coins to start with! So in order to simply progress to the next level (even just skipping the question costs 100 coins), I had to spend US$0.99 on a pack of 500 coins. Also, the fact that players are awarded coins for every right answer felt a bit pointless too because I ended up having to buy a lot of those fourth clues. Even the option of buying a hint (blank lines are shown spelling out the answer, and for every 25 coins you spend you get one letter) was too expensive if used very often. So, after nearly an hour of game play, almost fifty levels, and a dollar of my money, I ended up dissatisfied, confused, and scratching my head. I don't expect a game to have breathtaking graphics or be insultingly easy to win. I don't expect to spend absolutely no money on it, at least if I am very committed to playing. I don't expect software developers to be unprecedentedly creative. I do expect games to have a clear goal, and to not have to spend money (real or fake) to simply graduate from the first level. I do not like coming to the end of a game and wondering exactly what happened, or spending fifty levels not even sure if it has a point. The game has clear potential: humor is used appropriately and thoughtfully. Some of the facts given are genuinely interesting. The basic idea of a trivia game is a lot of fun. There were too many issues with Dead Giveaway for it to be truly enjoyable and fun. I do hope the developers will stretch their minds and ideas to create a game, with zombies or without, that will be enriching and pleasant without breaking the bank or the clock.