dead or alive xtreme


  • New DOAX2 trailer pushes the limits

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    We never thought we'd say this, but the new Dead or Alive Xtreme 2 trailer may be too bouncy. Available on Marketplace right now (the old E3 trailer has been re-re-released as well), the trailer is very long and very bouncy. So bouncy that it's disturbing, and, dare we say it, unrealistic. But that's really what it's all about, right? Still, this trailer is naughty. Lei Fang on a stripper pole, a little girl on girl "back rub" action, and more tiny swimsuits than you can shake a stick at. Honestly, we wouldn't be surprised if DOAX2 becomes a media target when it ships this winter. Seriously, it's just south of actual porn. See what all the fuss is about after the break. Oh, and they're all technically wearing clothes, but it's still probably NSFW.

  • Itagaki confesses to drinking on the job

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    He's been called an eccentric, a rock star, a hypocrite and once, even a game designer. Tecmo's Tomonobu Itagaki has been called a lot of things and, following on from an interview conducted by Kinkyzoo Kakalukeia Kikizo, we suspect that "drunkard" may be the next label appended to the already impressive list. When queried about how he gets his ideas, Itagaki calmly claims that he often sees them at the bottom of a bottle of whisky. "Of course, there are ups and downs, waves, of how I drink in terms of the amount, but it's a long period of time. In the last ten years - not that you asked this question - I think I had better ideas when I was drinking whisky. When I am drinking shochu, that's a conservative drink, so the ideas are not that great. Beer is just like water to me, so it just helps me and everyone else loosen up a little bit, it doesn't really contribute to coming up with ideas." The interview mostly stays on the topic of Dead or Alive Xtreme 2 (a game which Itagaki says he's developing as a hobby), but does reveal that Ninja Gaiden 2 is currently in its planning stages. If alcohol is a vital ingredient in games like Ninja Gaiden, we say let Itagaki and his team have a drink and loosen up. Heck, we encourage him to drink himself into a stupor -- we're sure a couple of vomit-encrusted keyboards are worth receiving another refreshingly difficult ninja kill-em-up. The man's outspoken for certain (don't forget his 5 most hated games, Tekkens 1 through 5), but he usually does a good job of sticking to his promises. That's one trait that many game designers could do well to adopt. Well, that and raging alcoholism. [tHaNKsh enbob89! Hic.]