

  • Watch the first World of Warcraft Mega Bloks commercial

    Alex Ziebart
    Alex Ziebart

    World of Warcraft Mega Bloks hit store shelves back in August, but Mega Bloks has only just revealed the first commercial for the product lineup. The commercial, which you can watch above, shows off the currently available sets, including Deathwing's Stormwind Assault and Goblin Zeppelin Ambush. If you're curious as to the quality of the products, WoW Insider has previously previewed the Goblin Zeppelin Ambush set, which should tell you what you need to know.

  • The Brick Show reviews Mega Bloks Deathwing's Stormwind Assault

    Robin Torres
    Robin Torres

    The block toy aficionados of The Brick Show have received Deathwing's Stormwind Assault from Megabloks World of Warcraft in advance of its release and have given the set a review, showing off many of the features that make the pieces unique. Spoiler: Deathwing gets hit by a catapult. The Brick Show YouTube channel is for brick enthusiasts who review sets of various kinds and brands. This particular episode is longer than usual, as the reviewer showcases everything from the box to the tiny random loot bag that comes with the set as a bonus. If you are a brick-building and figurine-fondling voyeur, this video is for you. Deathwing's Stormwind Assault from World of Warcraft Mega Bloks is due in stores this month.