

  • You can play Penn & Teller's wonderfully uneventful 'Desert Bus' in VR

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    Ask veteran gamers about the least eventful title you can play and they'll probably mention Desert Bus. The legendary minigame from the unreleased Penn & Teller's Smoke and Mirrors has you driving from Tucson to Las Vegas on a featureless road... in eight hours of real time. That may not sound like much fun, but it's considered a classic challenge -- and now, you can play it in virtual reality. Shiny Shoe has released Desert Bus VR, a recreation that lets you experience the purposefully unexciting trip through an Oculus Rift DK2 headset. You can now see the bus door when you stop for passengers that never come, or look behind you when you're towed back home after a crash.