

  • SWTOR dev talks expansion skills, planet, and gear

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    "Questions you have, hmm? Answers you seek? Go read a dev round-up, you will! Hmmm!" That's the advice that a certain green puppet told us after the Star Wars: The Old Republic: Rise of the Hutt Cartel announcement left a lot to be discovered. Fan site Darth Hater did its good deed of the day by hoovering up and redistributing important dev posts on the forums about the expansion about some of these missing details. Senior Community Coordinator Allison Berryman addressed some of the most common questions, such as the viability of current endgame gear (answer: very viable) and how big this new planet will be. "To give you all a better idea of Makeb's scope," she said, "it's a planet of equal size to our larger planets and it contains a variety of areas -- sprawling mesas, underground caverns, garden estates, and more." Berryman also says that character development is a big part of the expansion agenda: "As part of the new content, every skill tree will be expanding and you can expect significant updates. Players will earn a new skill point with each level, and new skills will be available in each skill tree. Additionally, a new active ability will be introduced for each advanced class."

  • Captain's Log: Community guide to Star Trek Online

    Brandon Felczer
    Brandon Felczer

    Captain's Log, Supplemental, Stardate 64684.5... As you all know, we here at Massively are dedicated to keeping you up-to-date on all the latest MMO news as well as entertaining you to your wits' end. Over the past year, our Star Trek Online coverage has been phenomenal, including the introduction of our weekly column, Captain's Log. As I mentioned in my first entry, I am honored to be a part of the team and to bring STO out of the dark recesses of space and onto your (computer, iWhatever, etc.) screens. When the game first launched, the original Community Guide to STO came to fruition as well -- since then, many things have changed, so it is time for an update. Beyond the jump, you will find an ever-evolving list of podcasts, fansites, dev blogs, Twitter accounts, and more. As things further change, I will be updating this guide, so keep it bookmarked! Got a new STO podcast you want everyone to hear? Working on a fansite for the community? Found something that everyone else should know? Let me know by sending the info in to Ensign, warp 10! Let's get these players updated on their resources...