

  • A MegaTen fanboy covers a MegaCool interview

    Nick Doerr
    Nick Doerr

    Any hardcore RPG fanatic knows about the long running Shin Megami Tensei series and have been keeping an eye on the latest installment set for release in October on the PS2: Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner. An interview, covered at Luv2Game, talks about that and the future of the MegaTen series. While covering Devil Summoner here would be awesome, it's not PS3 related, so we'll skip that portion, even though that portion of the interview is strongly recommended for anyone who loves RPGs or Action-RPGs.About halfway through the interview, the future of MegaTen games comes into question. Kazuma Kaneko, lead designer and artist for the games, responds: "probably the next Devil Summoner title." Cool, cool... but where? "Probably the PS3 and Wii." Now, longstanding supporters know that the original titles were set in a first-person perspective and that style of gameplay would work best on the Wii, with the Wiimote and all the intertactions and such. Are we to assume, then, that the next Devil Summoner will be on the PS3 along with any other more "modern" RPG MegaTen games? Let's hope so!