

  • BlackBerry adds ex-Verizon, Sony Ericsson chiefs to its board of directors

    BlackBerry's resurgence doesn't just require spiffy new software and devices, it also needs business-types who can talk about things like "profit share" and "equity ratios." That's why the company has coaxed former Verizon VP Richard Lynch away from his golf clubs and onto its refreshed board of directors. He's the latest heavy-hitter to sign up, and is joined by Bert Nordberg, the former CEO of Sony Ericsson, who's been out of work since he was deposed as the chief of Sony Mobile last year.

    Daniel Cooper
  • Hell freezes over: Verizon CTO Dick Lynch joins GSMA's board

    Of course, seeing how Verizon was one of the earliest and most staunch supporters of LTE in the mobile operator world, it comes as no huge shocker that Big Red has earned itself a seat on the GSM Association's 26 member- and 13 carrier-strong board of directors -- especially now that it's a full, card-carrying member of the GSMA as a whole -- but still, feels a bit weird, doesn't it? From a PR perspective, we're figuring Verizon wanted to have this wrapped up before it stages its first commercial 4G launches later this year, but at any rate, it's official: you're now welcome to call Verizon "a GSM carrier. What about you, Sprint? Follow the break for the full press release.

    Chris Ziegler
  • Verizon's LTE vendor partners to be revealed at MWC

    Looks like Verizon's LTE (Long Term Evolution) service might be on track to launch this year, after all. Speaking at a Digital Broadband Migration event at the University of Colorado at Boulder, executive VP and CTO Richard Lynch said the company's in the final stages of selecting vendor partners, and they'll be announced at next week's Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. He also reiterated that service, which they've been trialing in conjunction with Vodafone, will co-exist with its current 3G platform. He said all vendors have been told that the they need to be and running this year. Hey fellas, let's not let Lynch down here.

    Ross Miller
  • Dick Lynch: Verizon's LTE rollout to launch next year, not 2010

    After winning purchasing spectrum in the 700MHz FCC auction, we were all a little disappointed to hear that we'd have to wait until the year 2010 for high-speed LTE networks to launch (widescale deployments coming later) on both Verizon and AT&T. In a surprise, seemingly off-the-cuff statement made Tuesday at Cisco's C-Scape conference, Verizon's unfortunately named executive VP and CTO, Dick Lynch, said, "We expect that LTE will actually be in service somewhere here in the U.S. probably this time next year." Lynch also said that Verizon plans to coordinate the rollout of femtocell base stations (likely with WiFi) to extend the signal indoors -- something that shouldn't be too difficult since LTE will be riding the old home-penetrating 700MHz analog TV signal. With LG demonstrating 60Mbps download speeds on the world's first LTE chips for cellphones and data cards yesterday, consider us packed and ready to move to the first city VZW lights up. [Via PhoneScoop]

    Thomas Ricker