

  • J Calvin Coffey, D. Peter O’Leary, Henry Vandyke Carter

    Scientists confirm a 'new' human organ

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    For centuries, the mesentery (which links the intestine to the abdomen) has been treated as a group of distinct structures in your digestive system. It wasn't anything special. However, the medical world now has to rethink that belief. Scientists recently determined that the mesentery is really one, cohesive entity -- that's right, they confirmed the existence of a 'new' organ. Researchers first discovered the continuous nature of the mesentery through microscopic examinations in 2012, but the past few years have shown that it has enough function to be considered an organ.

  • This tiny digestive tracker can tell what food gives you gas

    Kris Naudus
    Kris Naudus

    One of my favorite things to eat is cheese and egg on a bagel. But while it's delicious, let's just say that afterward we don't get along so well. Is it the egg? The cheese? I could go to the doctor and find out which and why, but the testing process is long and expensive and still might not turn up an answer. So I just end up avoiding something I love. I'm not alone: Many people end up feeling sick after eating common foods without knowing why, and often restrict their diet out of fear. FoodMarble's AIRE digestive tracker, available for pre-order starting today, gives users the power to face those fears: It's a portable diagnostic device with an app that is easy to use, affordable and doesn't require you to give up entire days to doctor's visits.