

  • Get SmackTalk on the cheap! [update 2]

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Do you remember the automated insult launcher, the SmackTalk, that Chris deftly uncovered while I was gone? Of course you do. And I'm sure you thought to yourself, "Self," you thought, "I sure would like one of those SmackTalk dealybobbers, but 30 bucks is a lot of cash to lay down." Right you are. $30 is way too much. Lucky for us all, you can now buy a SmackTalk directly from Woot for the low price of $19.99 (plus $5 shipping). Woot, indeed!For those unfamiliar with Woot, they sell a different item every day, and only that item. So, if you want a SmackTalk for only 20 smackers, you'll have to order it today really damned quick. Now don't everybody rush over there all at once. Just curious, does anybody actually want one of these?[Thanks, Phil]Update: It looks like this item is, in fact, not available for a whole day. It is, ahem, a Woot-Off item. That means that it will be featured for a maximum of 12 hours, or until it sells out, and it looks like time is almost up. So there you go. Thanks to Jestyr for pointing this out.Update 2: The sale is now over. Did anybody snap one up?