DOA Xtreme 2


  • Today's hottest game video: Christie's pole dance from DOA Xtreme 2

    Kevin Kelly
    Kevin Kelly

    Since the number one and two slots for today's hottest game video are occupied by the World of Warcraft/Office Space commercial, we're dropping down to number three which is -- the PlayStation Portable being used as a remote for the PlayStation 3. However, the video is so extremely craptastic and out of focus (really, people ... learn where your macro focus button is before we all go blind or think we have glaucoma) that we're going to jump down to the number four spot. Don't get us wrong, we love the PSP as a PS3 remote, but that video drives us mental.So that makes today's hottest game video (by our fuzzy math skills) Christie's pole dance from DOA Xtreme 2. Apparently you have to hit the jackpot on her slot machine nine times to activate this video, so play at your own risk. The song sounds like something out of the intro to a James Bond movie, and features more jiggle than someone learning to use the Wii-mote for the first time.Check the video out after the jump, enjoy, and have a Happy Thanksgiving!