

  • Animal Crossing: The Movie

    There are few things more uplifting in the world of online games than Nintendo's Animal Crossing. We can't help smiling whenever we hear that theme tune. In Japan, where the DS version of AC has patterned the floors of three million households, Tom Nook and pals are leaving town and are headed for the big screens of Japan's movie theaters. Doubutsu no Mori: The Movie will be showing in cinemas across the nation as of December 16th. Tickets are already on sale at our local convenience store. We should go to see the movie on Day One, really, but we have a fishing contest to attend. Shame. Seems the nation's future generations of forest-dwelling fishermen and fisherwomen are all mad for it, though: Doubutso no Mori: The Movie Japanese TV commercial 1 Doubutso no Mori: The Movie Japanese TV commercial 2Doubutso no Mori: The Movie Japanese TV commercial 3

    Jonti Davies