

  • ICYMI: Theater headset, robot plumbing snake and more

    Kerry Davis
    Kerry Davis

    #fivemin-widget-blogsmith-image-124413{display:none;} .cke_show_borders #fivemin-widget-blogsmith-image-124413, #postcontentcontainer #fivemin-widget-blogsmith-image-124413{width:570px;display:block;}try{document.getElementById("fivemin-widget-blogsmith-image-124413").style.display="none";}catch(e){}Today on In Case You Missed It: A new visor headset that can be worn on the go yet replicate watching your favorite show in a movie theater is out for about $700. The only downside: Looking like you don't know how to wear headphones. MIT has a new microscope to show chemical processes in real-time video, on an atomic scale. Meanwhile your resident plumbing expert will want to know about the new laser-wielding robot snake from OC Robotics.