DS Lite Demo


  • DS Lites invade McDonald's in Times Square

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    Yesterday, we told you about a series of DS Lite demonstrations being held at various McDonald's joints in New York City. While some of you made the astute observation that the nearby Nintendo World Store made that sort of thing a bit redundant, it didn't stop one of our fellow bloggers, Andrew Yoon, from stopping by and shoving his camera into every available face. The fact that Mr. Yoon writes for PSP Fanboy will be conveniently glossed over.He summed up the event as follows: "The DS guys aren't timely. They arrived half an hour late." "The games playable include New Super Mario Bros, Tetris DS, True Swing Golf, Brain Age and Big Brain Academy." "Every person that plays will get an iced coffee and cool (but useless) frisbee thing." "It seemed like a success: people asked, 'Where's the nearest Toys R Us?' so they can buy these suckers." "A mom seemed completely entranced by Tetris DS." Entranced mothers could likely be taken as a good sign for Nintendo's ongoing Touch Generations campaign, and events such as these are a great way of grabbing the attentions of those who call every single gaming device "a Nintendo." More pictures follow in the second part of the post.