

  • Forum post of the day: The fate of Outland

    Amanda Dean
    Amanda Dean

    Once Wrath of the Lich King is released, we will have a whole new end-game continent. Just like how we got a whole new planet in the Burning Crusade. Since the first expansion was released many areas in the old world have been largely unused. There is very little World PvP going on in Eastern Plaguelands, most pre-sixty instances lay dormant except for quick runs with high level characters, and Onyxia lurks alone until someone nostalgic for original WoW until someone comes to slay her. Dazknight of EU-Lightning's blade posed the question, what will happen to Burning Crusade content once Wrath comes out. If Blizzard continues to work only on the latest endgame content, it's likely that Outland, The Isle of Quel'Danas, dailies, and everything we currently experience will be largely forgotten. Noxmortum of EU-Kilrogg believes that Outland will be the province of characters leveling from 58 to 68, full of Death Knights for the first few weeks and then more of a ghost land than the Ghostlands. Netherstorm and Shadowmoon Valley will quite probably become very lonely, indeed.

  • Fox News offers their unique 'reporting' on PS3 dust story

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    We love Fox News, if only because they offer such a unique perspective on things. Here's their reporting -- you decide on how hilarious it is. You may have read about one man's crusade to get his PS3 replaced ... but it was "too dusty" to be repaired. Sony is supposedly refusing to repair his machine due to "neglect." (Here's a picture of the system in question.) It's fascinating to see the mainstream media pick up on this "story." With so much attention being placed on one man's defective machine, it seems wise for Sony to simply hush him with a replacement system, even if its unwarranted.