

  • Trademark lawsuit filed over EA Sports Active

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    Active Network Inc. has filed a trademark infringement suit against Electronic Arts over the EA Sports Active series. IGN obtained a copy of the lawsuit [PDF link] wherein Active Network claims EA is infringing on its "Active" trademarks, which -- as you must already know -- are "famous, arbitrary, and highly distinctive, and are recognized by the public," according to the suit. You are familiar with the famous Active Network, aren't you? EA declined to comment on the adjective-packed lawsuit.

  • EA Sports Active stores open in Boston and San Francisco

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    If you live in Boston or San Francisco and are curious enough about EA Sports Active to go into a retail store devoted entirely to the fitness game, you're in luck! And maybe you've also learned something about the amount of curiosity you have about EA Sports Active. On November 15, EA opened two EA Sports Active stores, featuring demo units of both Active and the new EA Sports Active: More Workouts, "Active Trainers" who will show attendees how to use the game, and even a supply of games to lend out to visitors so they can try it at home. The stores also take reservations for workout sessions. They'll be open until December 14. EA invited some bloggers to the Boston location for a tour and a workout. Not us, but fitness bloggers. You know, the people that someone might listen to if they cared about being healthy. Luckily for us, those bloggers took plenty of pictures of the inside of the Boston store. If you'd like to visit, the addresses of the stores are posted after the break.

  • EA Sports Active inspires 'More Workouts' with success stories trailer

    Xav de Matos
    Xav de Matos

    The newest trailer for EA Sports' upcoming Active line More Workouts retail expansion is live (after the break) and features some heartwarming stories. Well, heartwarming might be a strong word but it definitely features people wearing EA logo shirts describing how EA Sports Active is the best thing to happen to them since the discovery of Pringles. EA Sports Active: More Workouts hits stores this November. The new version of the exercise title includes over 30 new workouts and a new six week challenge mode, which can be customized for personal tastes.

  • EA Sports Active gets More Workouts Nov. 17

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    We've always thought slapping a number at the end of a title is a pretty unoriginal way to name a sequel, but EA has lowered the bar, perhaps even digging out a bar-shaped hole in the soft earth below and jamming said bar down into it with EA Sports Active More Workouts. Yeah, that's the real name. EA Sports Active ... but more. The expansion's 35 new exercises -- like water skiing and paddle surfing -- will focus on abs and add a warm-up and cool down feature. Look for EA to strike a blow against creative nomenclature on November 17.