

  • WoW Moviewatch: Burning Crusade The Movie

    Anne Stickney
    Anne Stickney

    Let me tell you about this guy named Jack. Jack makes some of the absolute best movie compilations of kill videos that I have ever seen, and probably ever will see. The pinnacle for me was always the movie shown above, simply titled Burning Crusade The Movie. It's not just about the stunning visuals, it's also about the clever use of in-game sound files from various NPCs in order to tell the tale. It's a long video, but it's well worth watching -- not only for the nostalgia factor, but because it has gotten me even more ridiculously excited to see Warlords of Draenor and a return to an Outland that isn't really Outland at all. Jack has done a crazy amount of WoW movies over the years. You can check out his Youtube channel for movies dating all the way back to the original vanilla 40-player version of Naxxramas. Sadly, we haven't seen any Mists-related content from Jack, and I don't know if we will at this point. But Burning Crusade The Movie remains one of my favorite kill-compilation videos to date, and it's always worth a re-watch.

  • Cinemassively: Burning Crusade The Movie

    Moo Money
    Moo Money

    According to WoWJutsu, only 6% of WoW players can reach high-end raids in the Burning Crusade expansion. If you're worried about never seeing them, fear not! Jack, of Easy Productions, has come out with Burning Crusade The Movie.BCTM is an action-packed 30+ minute Machinima that features 25-man armies in four full dungeons with 24 bosses! Not only is it nice to see who you may be up against in the future, but it's presented in a cinematic way. Follow along as they work their way to the final boss, Illidan Stormrage, and then download the high-quality version on Warcraftmovies.[Via Warcraftmovies.com]