

  • Press Herald via Getty Images

    This is why you don't look directly at a solar eclipse

    Mallory Locklear
    Mallory Locklear

    Remember all that talk about eclipse glasses ahead of the full solar eclipse in August? Remember NASA repeatedly letting everyone know how important those glasses were for eye safety? Do you remember how many times you heard someone say to not under any circumstances look directly at the sun during the eclipse? Well despite all of those persistent warnings, some people still did just that and a new paper published today in JAMA Ophthalmology shows that just six seconds of unprotected viewing can cause permanent damage.

  • Leonardo Patrizi

    Don't throw away your eclipse glasses

    Swapna Krishna
    Swapna Krishna

    Now that the eclipse is over (for those of you who managed to see it, I hope it was worth the hype), you may be ready to toss your eclipse glasses. But before you do, take a look at what Astronomers Without Borders is doing. Along with their partner Explore Scientific, the organization is gathering eclipse glasses (both new and used) from across the US in order to send them to schoolchildren in Asia and South America for their respective eclipses in 2019.