

  • Sergio Amiti via Getty Images

    Nearly everyone in Ecuador is the victim of a data breach

    Christine Fisher
    Christine Fisher

    A massive data breach exposed sensitive data of nearly every individual in Ecuador. The breach impacted an estimated 20 million people -- for reference, Ecuador has a population of about 17 million. According to ZDNet, it exposed data on 6.7 million minors, as well as the country's president and WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, who was granted political asylum by Ecuador in 2012.

  • ipopba via Getty Images

    A public database exposed medical records of 150,000 rehab patients

    Christine Fisher
    Christine Fisher

    Nearly 150,000 patients who sought treatment at an addiction recovery facility in Pennsylvania had their medical records exposed online. Through the public search engine Shodan, independent researcher Justin Paine found an ElasticSearch database with nearly five million rows of data. It appeared to include personally identifiable information (PII) of patients who were treated at Steps to Recovery between mid 2016 and late 2018.