electric new paper


  • Real products seen as fakes in counterfeit-laden China

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    Remember when we showed you the V191 PSP-knockoff phone? The Electric New Paper reports that in China, counterfeit products such as the phone pictured above do better than the original counterparts. In fact, bootleggers come out with products before the originals ever reach the country, making consumers believe the genuine products are actually the counterfeited products.It appears that rumors of a cell phone enhanced PSP made their way on the internet. Before Sony could even possibly announce such a product, developers were hard at work in China making a prototype. The Chinese company then marketed the device for a whopping US $650.With the homebrew community making their own PSone emulators, it goes to show you that if Sony doesn't add the features people want in the PSP... someone else will.