

  • Blogging into Mordor: Finding the perfect name for your Elf

    Lindsey Phillips
    Lindsey Phillips

    Looking to create an elf in the Lord of the Rings Online but not sure what to name it? Want to avoid naming it "Legolazs" or "Elronde"? Have you unfortunately already used one of these names but are looking to change it? You're in luck! This article will show you how to find a decent, lore-appropriate name for your elf. And if you are not playing LOTRO but are looking for a name for an elf in World of Warcraft or a similar game, this guide might be a handy tool. Since elves are a very popular race in LOTRO, and there are a lot of famous elves in the lore that many players wish to emulate, finding a decent name can be difficult. It is important to remember to follow the naming rules of the game, which means you cannot choose a name that is close in spelling or sound to any of the actual characters from the books (such as Legolas, Arwen, etc). If your name is too similar to one of these characters, it will be changed. A good way to make sure that you are not accidentally stealing a name from the books is to use it in a Google search or consult a book such as the Complete Guide to Middle Earth.

  • More LotRO house brokers added to meet demand

    William Dobson
    William Dobson

    Following Book 11's update and the addition of player housing, the allure of one's own Hobbit-hole or sturdy Dwarven lodging has brought droves of people to the brokers -- so much so, in fact, that Turbine has made a post on their official Lord of the Rings Online forums to say that there will be a few more brokers on the way.The extra auctioneers will be showing up to assist their overburdened co-workers in Bree-land, The Shire, and both the Dwarven and Elvish regions of Ered Luin homesteads. However, take note that these guys are temps -- the post states that they "may depart at any time" -- so it is likely that once demand dies down, they will be out of a job. Click below to read Turbine's post and find out the exact locations for the brokers.

  • Elveon brings Unreal 3-powered fantasy

    Alan Rose
    Alan Rose

    Turns out Legolas isn't the only elvish hero around. In the action-RPG Elveon, you'll play a mighty elven warrior charged with defending your realm from some angry gods. Probably not the most original plot, but Slovakian developer 10Tacle Studios is promising adaptive battle AI in the form of enemies who learn to defend and counterattack against your fighting style.WorthPlaying has posted a bunch of new screens showing off the Unreal 3-powered graphics, and GameTrailers has a recent combat vid and this year's E3 trailer. Elveon is schedule to launch next summer for the PC and Xbox 360. Check out the game's official site for more details.