

  • Ford teases the future of Sync, plans to bring disembodied heads to dashboards everywhere

    There's plenty of automotive tech on display at CES this year (amps and kickers for miles, dawg) and, while Microsoft is talking up its enhanced Sync for 2010 autos, Ford President and CEO Alan Mulally took an opportunity to direct our gaze a bit further down the road with an interesting demo of what he imagines the rear-view mirror of the future will look like. Ford calls it Emotic Voice Activation, or EVA, basically an integrated AI that can read you your e-mail, check the news, and even, apparently, detect what kind of tunes you're in the mood for. At this point we don't know anything about when or even if this sort of thing will be available in the real world, but, based on the video, we expect EVA to become standard equipment roughly when steering wheels lose their spokes and people actually start pulling over to check their e-mail. Soothing video below.

    Tim Stevens