

  • PS3's MMO, Endless Saga, truly becomes Endless

    Nick Doerr
    Nick Doerr

    For those who had been following the next-gen MMORPG circuit, perhaps you had heard of Endless Saga. Developed by Webzen and for the PS3, Endless Saga was to be the next step in MMO gaming which utilized the Unreal Engine 3. The Saga stopped short, though. It was canned recently and according to Webzen because "after some rigorous development effort, we found the gameplay of Endless Saga to be short of innovation and creativity we seek to achieve in online gaming space."Good. The last thing we need is another generic, formulaic, achieve-nothing MMO. While it would've still been a neat idea, it gives the lovers of WoW, FFXI, and for the cheapskates in all of us, Guild Wars or Maple Story more time to clock into their worlds. Sorry Endless Saga, but thank you at the same time. For now, Webzen has nothing in the works for PS3, but perhaps they'll try again later. A question, though: would you rather see a port of an existing MMO, or a brand new creation pop up for the PS3? Some people do like familiarity, plus they might have some badass equipment. What do you think?